
"Misfits" Podcast #3 (Post Oscar Analysis)

Jeffrey Wells, Glenn Kenny, Jeff Sneider & Bill McCuddy (recorded on Monday, 3.11, at 1 pm)

During the pod I mentioned the likelihood or advisability of John Cena wearing a “sock” during his nude moment at the Oscars.  Nobody bit (one or two of my colleagues vaguely shuddered) so the subject fell by the wayside.  But the Hollywood Reporter has done the reporting.  [See below link.]

Just like my having also mentioned the obvious about the advisability of Lily Gladstone, who has grown significantly since filming of KOTFM in ‘21, trying Ozempic route going forward.  Others have obviously done this but only a bad person (and I mean someone deserving of condemnation) would mention it. Lily will never be Emma Stone, but elemental logic tells us she’d be more employable if she could at least return to her KOTFM weight.   

Do you think Amy Schumer could have played the lead in “Trainwreck” at her current proportions?  Directors and agents and casting directors don’t tiptoe around this topic (or dodge it).  Tom Hanks didn’t dodge it.  Everyone understands that Brendan Fraser lost his star luminosity when he got fat and lost much of his hair.   Just saying.