Loved this podcast. I was an Oscar junkie too & always going to the movies but no longer. The few movies I’ve watched were at home. I’ve been writing screenplays but I’m so disgusted with Hollywood now I’m so over it. Where can I find your Oscar substack & HE too. Agree about Angelina. Haven’t liked her since Brad left Jennifer. She dropped her father’s name so no surprise her kids dropped theirs.

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Came across this by accident, although I’ve read HE for 10-15 years. Great respectful conversation. Enjoy Telluride!

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You ended up talking about politics anyway. ;)

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Bravo Sasha Stone for defending children in the face of overwhelming pressure to conform. I was surprised Wells diminished the hit your AD income may have taken for daring to challenge the powerful in Hollywood. The Hollywood Reporter was a hit piece; full of petty innuendo. My question to Keegan might have been what have I really done to deserve this hit piece?

Regarding your position being liberal; I would say I’m anti-war, pro-free speech, pro-working class, pro children, anti deep state, anti racist, anti sexist. It’s the Democrats who stopped being liberal; not us who stopped being liberal.

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